Nazia Abbas
Senior Scientist
Plant Biotechnology Division
CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine Sanat Nagar Srinagar
Email: nazia.abbas[at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in
Bio Sketch
I have been working as Plant Molecular Biologist from past 14 years, including my PhD which I have pursued from National Institute of Plant Genome Research (JNU) New Delhi. During my PhD Tenure I have worked on the molecular and Functional analysis of ZBF3/CAM7 in Arabidopsis thaliana and have published my work in the Plant Cell which is one of the highest impact journals in Plant Sciences. After that I have been working on INSPIRE Faculty project (still going on), where I am investigating the regulatory role of MYC-type bHLH transcription factors from Artemisia annua. The main goal of this project is to enhance Artemisinin content within planta by various molecular biology approaches in which genetic alteration with respect to transcription factors and biosynthetic genes is being investigated. Till date my group has characterized various MYC type bHLH transcription factors from Artemisia annua and their intricate mechanism in regulation of genes associated with the biosynthesis of artemisinin and trichome development is being studied. Besides one more project in which my group is currently working is funded by SERB and is entitled as “Cloning and characterisation of key enzymes involved in biosynthesis of some of the novel steroidal saponins and their biological efficacy from Dioscorea deltoidea endemic to Kashmir Himalayas” In this project we will be investigating the key biosynthetic pathways involved in the synthesis of a million dollar corticosteroid, Diosgenin.
Degree | Subjects | University | Qualifying Year |
PhD | Plant Molecular Biology | National Institute of Plant Genome Research JNU Campus New Delhi. | 2012 |
M.Sc Biotechnology | Biotechnology | Hamdard University New Delhi. | 2006
B.Sc | General Sciences | University of Kashmir | 2004 |
Position Held
Position Held | Period | Organization |
Senior Scientist | 2021-Present | CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine Sanat Nagar Srinagar
Scientist | 2016-2021 | CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine Sanat Nagar Srinagar
DST-INSPIRE Faculty | 2015-2016 | CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine Sanat Nagar Srinagar
Area of Expertise
- Plant Molecular Biology
- Genomics
- Proteomics
- Plant Tissue culture
- Genetic Engineering
- Plant Metabolomics
- Functional and regulatory role of MYC homologs, Sub-family of bHLH transcription factors in Artemisinin biosynthetic pathway in Artemisia annua (DST-INSPIRE Faculty Project).
- Cloning and characterisation of key enzymes involved in biosynthesis of some of the novel steroidal saponins and their biological efficacy from Dioscorea deltoidea endemic to Kashmir Himalayas (SERB-Women Excellence Award ).
Authors | Title | Journal |
Abbas N., Maurya J.P., Senapati D., Gangappa S.N and Chattopadhyay S
Arabidopsis CAM7 and HY5 physically interact and directly bind to the HY5 promoter to regulate its expression and thereby promote photomorphogenesis.
The Plant Cell |
Abbas N. and Chattopadhyay S
CAM7 and HY5 genetically interact to regulate root growth and abscisic acid responses.
Plant Signalling and behaviour
Singh, A., Ram, H., Abbas, N., Chattopadhyay, S.
Molecular Interactions of GBF1 with HY5 and HYH Proteins during Light-mediated Seedling Development in Arabidopsis thaliana .
J. Biol. Chem.
Baba, S.A., Mohiuddin, T., Basu, S., Swarnkar, M.K., Malik, A.H., Wani, Z.A., Abbas, N., Singh, A.K. and Ashraf, N. | Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of Crocus sativus for discovery and expression of genes involved in apocarotenoid biosynthesis.
BMC Genomics
Baba, S.A., Malik, A.H., Wani, Z.A., Mohiudin, T., Shah, Z., Abbas, N and Ashraf, N.
Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of different tissue types of Crocus sativus and oxidative stress alleviating potential of saffron extract in plants, bacteria, and yeast | South African Journal of Botany
Baba, S. A., Jain, D., Abbas, N and Ashraf, N. (2015)
Overexpression of Crocus carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase, CsCCD4b, in Arabidopsis imparts tolerance to dehydration, salt and oxidative stresses by modulating ROS machinery. | Journal of Plant Physiology.
Majid,I., Kumar, A and Abbas,N. | A basic helix loop helix transcription factor, AaMYC2-Like positively regulates artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua L | Industrial Crops and Products |
Sumira Jan, Nazia Abbas, Muhammad Ashraf and Parvaiz Ahmad | Roles of potential plant hormones and transcription factors in controlling leaf senescence and drought tolerance | Protoplasma |
Awards and Honours
- Selected for SERB Women Excellence Award (2019) which has been instituted to recognize and reward outstanding research achievements of young women scientists in frontier areas of Science and Engineering.
- Selected for the Prestigious INSA (Indian National Science Academy) Medal for Young Scientist (2016) which is considered to be the highest recognition of promise, creativity and excellence in a young scientist in India.
- Selected as a member of INYAS (Indian National Young Academy of Sciences) for 5 Years (2017-2021) as established by INSA.
- Selected for the INSPIRE Faculty award 2014 by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) which offers a contractual research award for carrying out independent research to young achievers.
- Qualified the CSIR-RA (Research Associateships) to obtain the post-doctoral Fellowship from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India (2013-2016).
- Qualified the National level Eligibility test conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR-NET), Govt. of India (2012-2013).
- Qualified the National level test to obtain the Research Fellowship (DBT-JRF/SRF) from Department of Biotechnology (DBT-BET), Govt. of India (2007-2012).
- Qualified the National level Graduate Aptitude Test (GATE) for Engineering (2006).
Name with
(AcSIR Enrolment No./departmental I.D.) |
Thesis Title/Project Title | Academic/Research Accomplishment |
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Name: Mohammad Enr. No: 10BB16A37001 I.D : 1919
Molecular Cloning and Characterisation of bHLH Transcription factors from Artemisia annua and their possible Regulatory role in Artemisinin Biosynthetic pathway
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Name: Ramiz Khan Enr. No: 10BB17A37008 I.D : 2083
Cloning and Characterisation of Trichome related genes and their possible regulatory role in artemisinin biosynthetic pathway in Artemisia annua.
Name: Ishfaq Majid Enr. No: 10BB19A37009 I.D : 1913 |
Understanding Functional and Regulatory Aspects of Artemisinin Biosynthesis in Artemisia annua L.
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Name: Sumaila Muzaffar Enr. No: 10BB19A37002 I.D : |
Transcriptome Sequencing and analysis of genes involved in Diosgenin synthesis of Dioscorea deltoidea. |
Name: Sumeera Jan Enr. No: 10BB20J37025 I.D : |
Cloning and Characterisation of genes inolved in Diosgenin synthesis of Dioscorea deltoidea. |