The 75th Foundation Day of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) was celebrated at IIIIM Jammu. The celebrations in this connection was largely attended by eminent scientists, faculty members of research & educational institutions, entrepreneurs, invited dignitaries, guests and members of IIIM. Prof. V.L.Chopra, former Director General, Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) was chief guest of this function.
On this occasion, earlier during forenoon session, about 550 students from different schools, colleges and Universities in the Jammu city were taken on a guided visit to the various research divisions of the institute. To instill the interest of research and scientific aptitude in young brains, the Scientists and Technical staff have demonstrated their research and developmental activities and showcased their significant research findings to the visitors. Later in the afternoon, a simple and impressive function was organized in the IIIM auditorium to celebrate the CSIR Foundation Day. Dr. Ram Vishwakarma, Director, IIIM Jammu in his welcome address described Prof. V.L.Chopra, the Chief guest as distinguished Indian biotechnologist, geneticist, agriculturalist who is known for his notable contribution to the development of wheat production in India. Dr. Ram further said that Prof. Chopra has a distinction in academics and dynamic administrator.
Prof. V.L.Chopra, the chief Guest of the function had delivered the CSIR foundation day lecture entitled, “Planning Research for Academic and Economic Impact : Case study of Oilseed Brassicas”. While speaking on the occasion, eulogizing the CSIR achievements role of CSIR for Indian Science & Society, Prof. Chopra said that much of the science policy of this country in research and education can be traced back to early initiatives taken by the then Education Minister Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Towards the end of his lecture, Dr. V.L. Chopra released a book on “Plants for wellness & vigour” edited by Prof. V.L.Chopra himself and Dr. Ram Vishwakarma. Pertinently this book has been compiled to bring comprehensive information and literature on ten medicinally and commercially important plants. It is intended to be a useful guide for Scientist, Academicians, Students, Cultivators, Traders in medicinal herbs and industry. It also provides futuristic prospective for young researchers.
On this occasion, the chief guest also distributed prizes for different activities conducted as part of foundation day celebrations.
Mr. Ashok Kumar Sharma, Mr. Varun P Singh won the first & second prize whileas Ms. Neha Chalotra and Mr. Amit Kumar shared the third winners in the Science Quiz competition.
Mementos were also presented to the five employees of Council namely Dr. Gurdarshan Singh , Pr. Scientist; Sh. Satish Sambyal, Asstt. (S&P) Gr. 1; Mrs. Nisha Vij, Asstt.(G) Gr. I; Sh. Rajinder Singh, Asstt.(G) Gr. I and Mrs. Raj Kumari, Sr. Tech. who have this year completed 25 years of regular service and seventeen such employees who were superannuated during September, 2016 and August, 2017. Er. Abdul Rahim, Head PME & IT Divisions presented the vote of thanks whileas Mrs. Neelam Sharma conducted the proceedings.