Field Station, Bonera-Pulwama
The Field Station Bonera, Pulwama of the CSIR-IIIM Jammu is one of the largest research, development and extension station for high value medicinal, aromatic, spice and nutraceutical crops spread over an area of 60 hectares, situated at distance of 35 kms from Srinagar in the South Kashmir area of district Pulwama at an altitude of 5400 ft above mean sea level. The output and importance of the Station is significant in terms of the development of agro-technological protocols, post harvest management, processing and extension of MACs under temperate agro-climatic conditions. The farm is under intensive cultivation of different medicinal and aromatic, spice and nutraceutical crops on commercial scale especially Lavender, Rose, Scented geranium, Clarysage, Artemisia, Saffron, Rosemary besides many other minor aromatic crops and culinary herbs. The farm activities consist of R&D for agro-processing, post harvest management, production of medicinal and essential oil bearing crops and their value added products, generation quality planting material of high value cash crops, trainings and capacity building and also involve conservation of high altitude temperate medicinal and aromatic plant species. The farm is recognized as one the best for research development and extension on temperate medicinal and aromatic crops.
- Achieving self reliance and sustainable production of industrially important medicinal, aromatic and nutraceutical crops and their products for livelihood enhancement and increased income generation.
- To strive for the development of sustainable production systems of high value MACs through improved varietal development, improved agro-processing, quality enhancement protocols using cutting edge technologies and capacity building.
- Research and development on genetic resource management, crop improvement and enhancing productivity through good agricultural practices and precision farming technologies.
- Development of integrated crop management protocols including integrated nutrient, water and pest management.
- Processing, value addition, quality control and quality assurance.
- Ex-situ conservation and domestication of high altitude medicinal, aromatic and other mandated crops.
- To serve a genetic resource pool for area expansion under different MACs.
- Promotion cultivation of MACs for livelihood enhancement and employment generation.
- Dissemination and popularization of technologies through training programmes, awareness camps, front-line demonstrations, on-farm testing and capacity building.
- To serve as science exposure center for visiting university, college and schools students, researchers and faculties.