Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu Janaki Ammal Herbarium
To visit Plant Herbarium please click on the relevant alphabet of the Plant Family
A l B l C l D l E l F l G l H l I l J l K l L l M l N l O l P l Q l R l S l T l U l V l W l X l Y l Z

G.NO. 1.  Acer  Linn.

592.         Acer caesium Wall. ex Brand.
593.         Acer cappadocicum Gleditsch
               = A. pictum auct. non Thunb
             . = A. mono Maxim.
594.         Acer sikkimense Miq.
595.         Acer sterculiaceum Wall.
              = Acer villosum Wall.
596.         Acer oblongum Wall. ex DC.

G.NO. 2. Dobinea Hamilt.

597.          Dobinea vulgaris Buch.- Ham.

G.NO.63. Dodonaea Linn.

598.         Dodonaea viscosa (Linn.) Jacq.
              = Ptelea viscosa Linn.
             = Dodonaea dioica Roxb.

G.NO.73.  Turpinia Vent.

599.       Turpinia nepalensis Wall. ex W. A.
              T.pomifera auct. non DC.


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