Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu Janaki Ammal Herbarium
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Official Record
Flora of Lahual
Botanical Name Artemisia  dracunculus  L.
Synonyms ---
Family Asteraceae
Plant Stage Flowering
Place of collection Gondla
Altitude (m) 3048 m
Date of Collection 31-08-2001
Accession No. 19332
Total Accessions 21
Shelf Placement Cup-Board No./ Pigeon hole No. 12/w
Remarks: A  shrub  with entire ovate upper leaves  , grooved  hairless  stem and  pyramidal inflorescence .
Identified by B.K.Kapahi  , Baleshwar Meena
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