Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered SARS-CoV-2.
Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands, wearing masks or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.

CUReD:  CSIR Ushered Repurposed Drugs -  A website that provides information on CSIR Partnered Clinical Trials.

   Details of RT-LAMP

Name of the Diagnostic/Device

RT-LAMP kit for molecular diagnosis of COVID-19

Name of the Lab CSIR Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine
Industry partner/R&D stage Reliance Industries Limited (co-development)
Validation Completed Yes (at Reliance Life Sciences)
Submitted to ICMR

Yes (undergoing evaluation)

DCGI Application No
Any Academic /Hospital partners No
Details about the technology
CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (CSIR-IIIM, Jammu) and Reliance Industries Limited (Mumbai) have together developed a Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) assay for much cheaper diagnosis of COVID-19.  RT-LAMP assay doesn’t require sophisticated and expensive equipments like a real time PCR machine.  It is a simple assay that can be done in a very basic lab setup even with limited expertise. RT-LAMP assays includes conversion of viral RNA to cDNA, followed by target DNA amplification using a set of four to six primers, at isothermal conditions. A large amount of target DNA is rapidly amplified in a LAMP reaction and can be detected visually by examining the tubes under UV light. The positive reactions appear bright green in colour dye to florescence of SYBR Green I dye binding to the DNA, while the negative reactions remain transparent. Alternatively the florescence can also be measured using a flourometer or quantified using image analysis software. Two versions of the kit have been developed: (a) Two Step kit and (b) One Step kit. Both the versions were tested at CSIR-IIIM and RIL by their respective teams on a total of more than 150 samples. The results from the RT-LAMP kit align with the gold standard Taqman qRT-PCR assay in more than 90% test samples. Both the versions have been submitted to ICMR for validation and approval.
Patent Nil
Publication communicated

Current Status

Development stage: Completed
Independent Validation: Completed
Submitted to ICMR: Completed

Submitted to DCGI: Not Completed  
