Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered SARS-CoV-2.
Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands, wearing masks or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.

CUReD:  CSIR Ushered Repurposed Drugs -  A website that provides information on CSIR Partnered Clinical Trials.

   Details of Colchicine

Name of trial A prospective, pilot, clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Colchicine for improvement of clinical outcomes during Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease treatment in high-risk Indian patients. (COLCOVIN
CSIR lab/s involved Industry Sponsor/s & Scientific Collaborator/s Clinical Trial Site/s


  1. CSIR – Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu
  2. CSIR – Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
  3. Laxai Life Sciences, Telangana
  1. Victoria Medical College, Bangalore
  2. Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad
  3. PCMC Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital, Pimpri, Pune
  4. RCSM Govt. Medical College, Kolhapur
Type of Drug Small molecule (already FDA-approved drug)
IP Status of Drug/s IP expired.
Mechanism of Action & Scientific rationale for Covid-19
Dual effect – anti-inflammatory (for mitigation of cytokine storm) and also it has antiviral activity (cell-based)


Combinations therapy or monotherapy


Trial design

Health Condition / Problems Studied

Health Type Condition
Clinically diagnosed COVID-19 symptoms

COVID-19 infection 

Number of trial sites       

Number of arms              

Number of patients         

Currently 4 sites. Enrollment at more sites ongoing
2 (Soc Vs. Colchicine+Soc)
Click here for End points (primary and secondary)
Status of the CSIR trial

25% enrollment of patients completed (status as on 30.09.2021)

Name & details of Clinical PI/s Dr. Shivani Bansal, SMCH, Ghaziabad Dr. Vijay Barge, RCSM Govt. Medical College, Kohlapur

Dr. Pravin Soni, PCMC &YCM, Pune

Dr. B.L. Shashi Bhushan, Victoria Medical College, Bangalore

