Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered SARS-CoV-2.
Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands, wearing masks or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.

CUReD:  CSIR Ushered Repurposed Drugs -  A website that provides information on CSIR Partnered Clinical Trials.

   Details of NGS-based testing

Name of the Diagnostic/Device

NGS-based testing

Name of the Lab CCMB
Industry partner/R&D stage R&D completed
Validation Completed Ongoing
Submitted to ICMR


DCGI Application No
Any Academic /Hospital partners No, industry partner – Syngene International Ltd, Bengaluru
Details about the technology
  • including USP and comparison to gold standard RT-PCR

- estimated to reduce cost and time needed by 40-50% as compared to the current RT-qPCR method
- does not need imported Viral Transport Medium
- transport of dry swabs is easier, and avoids contamination

Patent None
Publication None

Current Status

Development stage: Done
Independent Validation: Ongoing
Submitted to ICMR: Not done yet

Submitted to DCGI: Not done yet
