Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered SARS-CoV-2.
Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands, wearing masks or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.

CUReD:  CSIR Ushered Repurposed Drugs -  A website that provides information on CSIR Partnered Clinical Trials.

   Details of AQCH (Phytopharmaceutical)

Name of trial Phase II trial of AQCH to evaluate safety and efficacy in treatment of Covid-19 patients
CSIR lab/s involved Industry Sponsor/s & Scientific Collaborator/s Clinical Trial Site/s

Sun Pharma

Scientific Collaborator: ICGEB



Type of Drug Phyto-pharmaceutical
IP Status of Drug/s  
Mechanism of Action & Scientific rationale for Covid-19

It is the first phytopharmaceutical drug approvedfor clinical trials by the DCGI as a potential treatment for COVID-19.  As per Sun Pharma, AQCH has shown anti-SARS-CoV-2effects in in-vitro studies conducted in collaboration with ICGEB, Italy and these results combined with information on mechanism of action through in-vitro and small animal studies suggest this can be evaluated as potential treatment option for COVID-19 patients.
AQCH, which is being developed for dengue, has shown broad antiviral effect in in vitro studies and henceis being tested as a potential treatment option for COVID-19. Since 2016, Sun Pharma has been workingvery closely with DBT-ICGEB and CSIR-IIIM, under theto develop a phytopharmaceutical drug for dengue. The work onevaluation of plant-derived drugs for the treatment of dengue started in 2007 under the auspices of the Department of Biotechnology’s (DBT) Task Force on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
The clinical trial will be conducted across 12 centers in India in 210 patients. The treatment duration for patients will be 10 days. The results of the clinical trial are expected by October 2020. Human safety study of AQCH has already been completed and the drug has been found safe at the recommended dose for Phase II study.

Combinations therapy or monotherapy Monotherapy
Trial design  Health Condition / Problems Studied Health Type Condition
      Mild Covid19 patients

Number of trial sites       

Number of arms              

Number of patients         




Click here for End points (primary and secondary)
Status of the trial  Ongoing

Name & details of Clinical PI/s









