Education and Training


Over the years Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu has developed the state of art facilities for advance research in the area of natural product chemistry, medicinal chemistry, biotechnology, fermentation technology and plant sciences. There is an excellent expert faculty available in all these areas, who are publishing significantly in high impact factor journals. The institute has about forty CSIR/ICMR JRFs and nearly 140 project assistants most of them working for their Ph.D. and registered in different universities of the country. The students, who complete their Ph.D. programmes in IIIM, are immediately placed in leading R&D organizations of the world for their post of doctoral fellowship or as research scientists.

The institute offers facilities for high caliber research, state- of- the- art instrumentation, facilities for advanced contract research, modern laboratory & library, pilot facility for upscale of technology and opportunity for academic and industrial research.

As per CSIR mandate, Institute is actively involved in human resource development in the area of Research & development.

Summer Training to professional graduate students
Summer training to Post graduate students in the areas of Biotechnology, Chemistry,Pharmacology, drug development etc.
Ph. D. Programme in collaboration with reputed national universities.
Hand holding to Senior secondary students for undertaking science projects

How to Join

The institute advertises from time to time for taking the students with CSIR/ICMR/GATE fellowship for their Ph.D. programmes and also advertises separately for project assistants required under different projects running in the institute. All the students are required to under go an orientation programme of six months conducted by the institute and students have to pass the examination at the end of the six months.

However, interested candidates can write to the Director of the institute or Chairman, PME Division for any further query in this regard.