Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Division (PME) is
an interface between Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine
and outside agencies such as Research Laboratories, collaborating
partners, funding agencies, R&D organisations and Universities.
It is an important department, which performs the following
functions for the institute.
R&D project monitoring, |
Facilitates the institutional Intellectual
Property filing in India and Abroad. |
Business development, |
Patent Monitoring by CSIR and PCT
route. |
Nodal centre for patent filing and
publications, |
Maintaining the IPR Portfolio of the
institute. |
Negotiating instruments of collaboration, |
Licensing and commercial working of
patents / IPR. |
Project Annual and Five Year Plan
documents, |
Training programmes on IPR for students
and scientists. |
Monitors customer satisfaction and
Right to Information. |
Sh. Abdul Rahim, Sr. Principal Scientist
Sh. Ajit Prabhakaran, Sr. Technical Officer
Sh. Manish Kumar, Techical Officer
Sh. Vikrant Awasthi, Techical Officer
Sh. Durga Prasad Mindala, Technical Assistant