Mission and Goals


  • To deliver basic and applied research outputs of international quality in selected branches of chemical and biological science

  • To render analytical services of highest quality associated with degree of professional satisfaction and confidence to the customer.

  • To Meet the requirement of the standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and other criteria of NABL.

  • All Laboratory personnel engaged in testing activities undertake to familiarize themselves with quality documentation and implement policies and procedures in their work.



Testing  & Monitoring of Quality of potable water  in the  state  

Assessment of industrials effluents especially effluents from pesticide  industries and its effect on ground water table, crops & population residing adjacent  to pesticide industry.
Services to honey industry in India, which has helped the country to check the export of honey with non-conformities which in turn could result in trade restriction.

Support to Scientists of IIIM in their projects by way of quality testing/quantification of marker compounds in their products and product intermediates at various stages of R&D.





Research and Development activity primarily focused on development of analytical methods of analysis and testing of organic and inorganic materials

Identification and authentication of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants

Quality Control ,evaluation and Chemistry Manufacturing & Control of herbal drugs.

Quality Control of Essential oils

Quality control of Food products

Analysis of portable water and municipal wasters (Chemical and biological)

Analysis of minerals

Analysis of pesticides& pesticide residue

Analysis of microbial load / pathogens and toxins in food and water


Current Research



Method development /validation for analysis of herbal & herbal products, water, soft drinks, alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages, walnut and other nuts/ products for domestic/ export market and other food items like spices and condiments and animal/poultry feed etc.
Method development and validation for Residual analysis of Veterinary medicines, Pesticides, Metals & Aflatoxin in all products/matrices for human consumption or otherwise.