Agilent ICP-MS


Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) has become a universally accepted analytical technique for determination of trace, minor and major elements in almost every analytical field. Advantages of this technique are:



Wide elemental range. Virtually all elements can be measured by ICP-MS including transition elements, metalloids, alkali and alkaline earth elements, rare earth elements, most of the halogens and some non-metals.


High sensitivity and low background signals give detection limits of parts-per-trillion (ppt) levels.


Fast analysis time


Wide analytical working range of up to 9 orders.


Sample inlet: low flow rate nebuliser with peltier cooled spray chamber
Interface: nickel cone
Vacuum system: rotary pump with turbomolecular pump
Gas flow control using mass flow controllers
Plasma generation using one-piece quartz torch
Solid state RF generator
Mass analyser with mass range of 2-260 amu
Dual mode discrete dynode detector