The recently established in-silico facility encompasses
activities like Molecular Docking, QSAR studies and 3-D
structure prediction using Homology Modeling and Threading
techniques. The software used to carry out the sophisticated
experiments include Cerius2 and Insight-II from Accelrys,
Schrodinger suite, Hyperchem and several other public
domain software. Molecular modeling approach is being
utilized to minimize the animal sacrifice to develop more
potent, less toxic drug like molecules. Various targets
such as TNF-a, NF-?B, Histone deacetylase, Topisomerase
I & II and bacterial efflux pumps like NorA, TetK, MSRA,
Bmr etc. are being used for drug development by studying
the ligand-receptor interaction mechanisms. The group
has an active interaction with the wet lab researchers
in the institute, which thereby, further strengthens the
in silico activities and should help in contributing to
the Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) project. The group
also interacts with all other major research groups of
the institute in order to provide the mechanistic and
informatics inputs to their respective research problems.
and goals
Applications in Drug Designing Process using in silico approach and be a participant in the OSDD consortium.
S/NO |
Name |
Expertise |
E-mail |
1. |
Amit Nargotra |
Molecular modeling and drug designing,
QSAR studies, in silico 3D structure prediction,
fragment based drug discovery, software programming
and database development |
anargotra[at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in |
2. |
Monika Gupta |
Web development, Database development and Software programming. |
monicag[at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in |
Area of
In silico 3D structure prediction
of various therapeutic targets and its functional
effect analysis with in silico site directed mutagenesis |
Identification and development of
potent bioactive molecules through QSAR studies. |
Studies related to ligand-receptor
interaction mechanisms for several important targets
like anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial
and other areas of the interest of the Institute. |
Understanding the complexity of proteins
viz-a-viz with the biological activity eg. Role
of Protein knots and their effect on biological
activity. |
Silicon Graphics Fuel with Accelrys
package (Cerius-2 and Insight-II) installed. The
same software would also be installed on the Windows
HP (Dual AMD Opteron Processor) Workstation. |
Linux HP workstations (Intel Xeon
Dual Core Processor) with the software suite Schrodinger
installed. |
/ Current Research
Application of molecular modeling approach in new drug discovery. |
Establishment of Sub-DIC under BITS programme of DBT |
Medicinal Chemistry for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (MEDCHEM) |
Nurturing a new Pan-CSIR drug pipe line: high intensity preclinical, clinical studies on lead candidates (DPL) |
Plant-Microbe and Soil Interaction (PMSI) |
Discovery of NCEs and new combination drugs for tuberculosis |