Genetic Resources and Agro-technology Division has established with the aim to explore the field level research and development on the high value medicinal and aromatic plant. Conservation of genetic resources from the different ecological region and development of new elite variety through breeding is major activities carried out. The department has rich history of working on many such high- value industrial crops and their elite varieties have been developed which providing high value economic returns than traditional crops. The department associated with 50 acres of Experimental Farm situated at Chatha (nearer to SKUAST, Jammu) which is 11 Kms from CSIR-IIIM, Jammu headquarters towards South near the Jammu airport. The farm was established in the year 1956 by Col. Sir. R. N. Chopra. More than 300 genetic resources/ genotypes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) have been conserved.
Development of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and end to end technology of high value Medicinal and aromatic plants. |
Maintenance and standardization of bio-resource pool at IIIM, Farm, Chatha. |
Addition of new accessions in existing bio-resource pool and cultivation of exotic plant species to be promoted in Jammu. |
Acclimatization of MAPs from the different ecological region under sub environmental condition of Jammu region. |
Release of new elite varieties. |
Generation of good quality planting material (QPM) and extension of CSIR agro-technology among farmers/ entrepreneur/ industries in different agro-climatic zone in the country for rural prosperity /for societal development. |
Organizes awareness cum training programme for growers on demonstration, cultivation and marketing of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops and also to develop market linkages to growers at National and International level. |
Enhancing public-private partnership, Interactive meets between R&D institutions, Private growers and user industries. |
Development of good agricultural practices (GAP) of Medicinal and Aromatic plants. |
Bio-fortification through agronomic intervention. |
Soil fertility and microbiology studies. |
S/NO |
Name |
Expertise |
E-mail |
1. |
Dhiraj Vyas |
Plant physiology and biochemistry |
dvyas[at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in |
2. |
Rajendra Bhanwaria |
Soil Science & Ag. Chemistry |
rbhanwaria[at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in |
3. |
V.P. Rahul |
Plant Breeding |
vprahul [at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in |
4. |
Sabha Jeet |
Agronomy, Weed Science, RCTs, Water and Nutrient Management. |
sabhajeet[at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in |
5. |
S.R. Meena |
Farm mangement (Agronomy) |
srmeena[at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in |
6. |
Rajendra Gochar |
Farm mangement (Agronomy) |
rgochar[at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in |
7. |
Chandra Pal Singh |
Floriculture & Landscaping, Farm management (Agronomy) |
chandrapal[at]iiim[dot]res[dot]in |
Area of
Stress on Resource Conservation Technology (RCTs) to reduce decline factor productivity. |
To find out suitable cropping system and crop diversification opportunities in existing farming system. |
Stress on weed management practices in medicinal & aromatic plants to drudgery reduction. |
Nutrient Management on Medicinal and aromatic plants/ crop production system. |
Development of extension models for enhancing productivity and profitability through farmer’s participation on Medicinal and Aromatic plants. |
Waste land development through promoting medicinal and aromatic plants. |
Farm planning, management and developing field experimental model on farm for research workers. |
Experimental Farm: CSIR-IIIM Jammu has 50 acres well managed experimental farm at Chatha which is situated about 11 kms from CSIR-IIIM, Jammu headquarter towards South near the Jammu airport.
Gene bank/ herbal garden
Glass house
Poly/Green house
Net house
Soil Science and Agricultural chemistry Laboratory
Processing/ Distillation units of MAPs.
Kisan Training Centre (KTC): CSIR-IIIM provides facility of Kisan training centre (KTC). The main aims of this centre was generation of improved technical knowhow and imparting training for farmers/growers/ entrepreneurers. The Institute organizes both institutional and peripatetic training programmes. In this connection we facilitate many training-cum-Skill development programmes of medicinal and aromatic plants, farmer’s fairs and flower show for farmers/growers/entrepreneurs.
Response of weed management options on weed dynamics in Lemongrass (Cymbopogon spp.). |
Drought and Waste land development through introduction of aromatic plants in J &K, Bundelkhand region, Eastern, Southern and Northern state and other regions of India. |
Development of Good Agricultural practices (GAP) of Cocculus hirsutus. |
Development of Good Agricultural practices (GAP) of Cisempelous parera. |
Varietal development programme through mass selection of Lemongrass, Rosagrass, Monarda citriodora, Tulsi, Lavender and Salvia based on the natural variation present in Jammu. |
Study of genetic diversions and selection parameters studies on the basis of phytocanabinoides in Canabis sativa. |
Development and Standardization of Bio-resource pool at IIIM Experimental Farm, Chatha, Jammu (MLP-2010). |
Demonstration of Cultivation, Processing and Value Addition of Selected Aromatic Crops in Bundelkhand region (GAP 2172). |
Morphological and biochemical assessment of selected Cannabis genotypes at CSIR-IIIM. (Ms/- Boheco) |
Providing R&D solutions in Cannabis research to Ms/- IndusCann (Ms/- IndusCann) |