Flow cytometry is used very vastly in the field of drug
discovery. Because of the multiparameter capability,
it can be used for different single cell flurochrome based
assays, which are related to cancer, hematological disorders,
inflammatory deceases, immunological disorders etc. It
is also possible to use fluorescent probes to many physiological
functions such as metabolic processes, ion channels, organelles
and intracellular pH. These assays are extremely important
in understanding the effects of drugs on cell physiology.
We are having three different models of flowcytometer(s)
with us
1. |
Model: BD LSR
Make: BD Biosciences |
2. |
Model: FACS Calibur with Dual laser
with sorter system
Make : BD Biosciences |
3. |
Model: BDFACS Aria II
Make: BD Biosciences |
Cell surface marker studies |
Intracellular cytokine estimations |
Cell cycle analysis (PI, BRDU) |
Measurement of extent of apoptosis
and necrosis (Annexin-V-FITC) |
Measurement of intracellular calcium
flux, K + ion, etc (Fluo-3AM, PBIF). |
Measurement of intracellular enzymes
e.g caspases, GSH etc. |
Measurement of Mitochondrial membrane
potential (Rh-123) |
Measurement of intracellular nitric
oxide (DAF-2DA) |
Measurement of reactive oxygen species
(DCFH-DA, DHR-123, DHE) |
Measurement of different cytokines
e.g. CD4, CD8 etc. Measurement of various cellular
key proteins likes p53, Bcl-2, Bax, etc. |
1. Confocal Microscope
Model: Fluoview FV-1000
Make: Olympus
A) |
Target based mechanistic studies
of anticancer leads such as:
i. |
Mitochondrial membrane potential |
ii. |
Detection of nuclei condensation
by staining with Acridine orange, DAPI, Ethylene
bromide |
iii. |
Detection of apoptosis/necrosis
by Annexin-V-FITC |
iv. |
Intracellular calcium measurement |
v. |
Caspase assays |
vi. |
Detection of pro and antiapoptotic
proteins |
B) |
Analysis of samples from other divisions
of the lab. |
2. Electron Microscope
Model: JEM100CXII with ASID
Make: JEOL
A) |
Target based mechanistic studies
of anticancer leads such as:
i. |
Surface and internal ultrastructural
studies of human cancer cells and murine tumor
tissues to study the mechanism of cell death
after treatment with different anticancer
leads. |
ii. |
Ultrastructural studies of
samples from other divisions of the lab. from
time to time |