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The Fermentation Technology Division is well equipped with fermentation facility from lab scale to pilot scale (5-4KL capacity) including recent micro-processor controlled fermenters (5-500L capacity) and matching down stream processing faculties for bacterial, fungal and yeast based products. The facility is available for industrial scale production of microbial enzymes and high value microbial products from wild type and genetically modified strains. The Fermentation Technology Division is also involved in various consultancy projects and is helping Indian industries to scale up the processes. The Division has many technologies available for technology transfer and provides training on microbial fermentation processes

Fermentor 5L Volume Fermentor 50L VolumeFermentor 500L Volume
Fermentor 5L Volume
Fermentor 50L Volume
Fermentor 500L Volume

Contact Person:

Dr Rajinder Parshad,
Fermentation Technology Division,
Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine,
Canal Road,
Jammu Tawi, India.
Pin – 180 001
Phone : 0191-2569029; 0191-2569000-10
Ext 237,
Email: rparshad@iiim.res.in